The Reaper session ‘ReaperTemplate_S3DAPC_TMT2018.RPP’ represents a good starting point for producing Ambisonic content. The download also contains a PDF with more information about how to use the project.
The 30th Tonmeistertagung calls for students' works to be submitted to Europe's Second 3D Audio Production Competition. The call is issued for the three production/composition categories:
(1) contemporary / computer music,
(2) audio drama / documentary / soundscapes
(3) music recording / studio production.
The required format to deliver is a 5th order Ambisonic track as multi-channel file in .WAV or .CAF that comply with the AmbiX format (SN3D, full 3D, ACN channel ordering). Below you find a Reaper template project, which already has all the necessary settings and routings to create content for the competition. For more details, view the official call.
Submission deadline will be end of June 2018.
Extended deadline: July 8th, 2018.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via email: s3dapc@iem.at
The Reaper session ‘ReaperTemplate_S3DAPC_TMT2018.RPP’ represents a good starting point for producing Ambisonic content. The download also contains a PDF with more information about how to use the project.
Official call for Europe's Second Student 3D Audio Production Competition
For submitting, go to the easychair website and use the link "enter as an author". Submission deadline will be end of June 2018.