Katharina Groß-Vogt

kv photo

Dr. Katharina Groß-Vogt
Senior Scientist

Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Inffeldgasse 10/3, 8010 Graz, Austria
vogt AT iem.at

Bio Katharina Groß-Vogt researches and teaches sonification (what's that?) and sonic interaction design, i.e. two  interdisciplines combining her backgrounds in music and science. She is currently employed as senior scientist at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM), University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria. Sonification research projects covered, e.g., physics, climate science, or physiotherapy. For her thesis Sonification of Simulations in Computational Physics (Sonification examples) she received the Award of Excellence of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research 2010. Groß-Vogt served as a board member at the International Community of Auditory Display (ICAD) 2012-16 and is part of the Steering Board of the Audio Mostly Conference (since 2020). She runs the SIDlab at IEM.


Sonification - Sound of Science
Sonic Interaction Design (Sound and Interaction Design)
Current courses

Research Projects

2015 "Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data"

2012 -2014 "SysSon - A systematic procedure to develop sonifications"  (FWF, P 24159)

2008-2010  "QCD-Audio" (FWF, L 519 Translational-Research-Programm)

2009  3-months research visit at CERN (ALICE Offline Department)

2005-2007  “SonEnvir” (Zukunftsfonds Steiermark)

 (Co-/) Organizer

Series of workshops "Science By Ear" (SBE):
SBE1 (interdisciplinary)
SBE2 (physics data)
SBE3 (climate data)
SBE4 (auditory augmentation)

ICAD15 - International Conference on Auditory Display 2015

Audio Mostly - AM'20

SIDlab of IEM


List of publications.

Education 2005-2010 Inter-universitary PhD (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz and University of Graz)
1997-2005 Studies of Environmental and System Sciences at the University of Graz with major physics.