zotter's Home Page
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Associate Professor
interests & current work
Check out the Ambisonics book, the IEM Plugins, our open data repository, the Student 3D Audio Production Competition, the OSIL project, the IKO, IEM loudspeaker cubes, and plenaudio walkthrough (6dof).
My interests are:
- compact spherical loudspeaker arrays (sound-radiation synthesis)
- acoustic holography and holophony lecture(requires kunstuni-login)
- vibration and radiation in the spherical sound field
- surrounding spherical microphone arrays (sound-radiation capture/analysis)
- surrounding spherical loudspeaker arrays (Ambisonics)
- source-and-receiver-directional (SRD) room impulse responses (RIRs), 5D
- variable-perspective recording and playback
- perception of beamformed sounds (osil, rc, final report)
- source widening algorithms
- sound reinforcement (enimso)
- building phsyics
publications in 2022/21
- Franz Zotter, Matthias Frank, Oliver Bayer, Julia Pinkas, Gregor-Johannes Müller, "Amplitude decorrelation avoiding spectral artifacts of sound field synthesis in the anechoic chamber or free sound field", Internoise, Glasgow, 2022.
- Piotr Majdak, Franz Zotter, Fabian Brinkmann, Julien DeMuynke, Michael Mihocic, Markus Noisternig, "Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics 2.1: Introduction and Recent Advances", JAES, 2022.
- Matthias Frank, Manuel Brandner, Franz Zotter, "Perceptual Evaluation of Spatial Resolution in Early Reflections", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, Stuttgart, 2022.
- Stefan Riedel, Franz Zotter, "The Effect of Temporal and Directional Density on Perceived Envelopment", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, Stuttgart, 2022.
- Franz Zotter, Stefan Riedel, Matthias Frank, "All-Round Ambisonic Decoding: Spread and Correlation", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, Stuttgart, 2022.
- Jung-Woo Choi, Franz Zotter, Byeongho Jo, Jae-Hyoun Yoo, "Multiarray Eigenbeam-ESPRIT for 3D Sound Source Localization with Multiple Spherical Microphone Arrays", IEEE TASL 33, 2022.
- Stefan Riedel, Franz Zotter, "Design, Control, and Evaluation of Mixed-Order, Compact Spherical Loudspeaker Arrays", Computer Music Journal 44(4), 2021.
- David Ackermann, Fabian Brinkmann, Franz Zotter, Malte Kob, Stefan Weinzierl, "Comparative evaluation of interpolation methods for the directivity of musical instruments", EURASIP Journal, 2021.
- Kaspar Müller, Franz Zotter, "The PerspectiveLiberator - An Upmixing 6DoF Rendering Plugin for Single Perspective Ambisonic Room Impulse Responses", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, Vienna, 2021.
- Thomas Deppisch, Franz Zotter, "Radiation Lobe Decomposition for Directivity Patterns", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA, Vienna, 2021.
- Matthias Blochberger, Franz Zotter, "Particle-filter tracking of sounds for frequency-independent 3D audio rendering from distributed B-format recordings", Acta Acustica, https://doi.org/10.1051/aacus/2021012, 2021.
- entire list of publications including things between 2003 and 2020
- Franz Zotter, "Analysis and Synthesis of Sound-Radiation with Spherical Arrays", Doctoral Thesis, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, [pdf] [pdf], 2009.
- Diplomarbeit: "Unterdrückung hörbarer Störgeräusche in Echtzeitsystemen", [pdf], 2004.
Lecture on "5D" room impulse responses [zip:ppt]. ERASMUS-TA, ITA, RTWH-Aachen, Gradientenmikrofone hoher Ordnung, in Elektroakustik / akustische Messtechnik, [pdf], Jan., 2012. ERASMUS-TA, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation, TU-Berlin, Virtuelle Akustik: Holografie mit dem Rayleighintegral, sphärische Holografie/Holofonie, Jun., 2012.
Acoustic Holography and Holophony (Lecture):
W1011, W1112, W1213, W1314, W1415, W1516(with video lectures), W1617
(now) Fundamentals of immersive 3D Audio Technology (Lecture):
W1718, (Ambisonics Book 2019), sinceW1920
Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 2 (Lab/Seminar):
S08, W0809, W0910, W1011, W1112, W1213, W1314, W1516, W1617, W1718, W1819, W2021
Acoustic Holography and Holophony / Acoustic Measurement Techniques 2 (Workshop):
S08, S09, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20
Sound Reinforcement / Beschallungstechnik (Lecture/Workshop):
S19, S20, sinceS21
Schallschutz und Lärm (was Bauphysik und Lärm) (Lecture/Exercise):
advised students' works
Master/Diploma theses:
- Lukas Gölles, "Optimally Curved Arc Source for Sound Reinforcement", M Thesis, 2021.
- Thomas Deppisch, "Multi-direction analysis in Ambisonics", M Thesis, https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:108536, 2020.
- Matthias Blochberger, "Multi-perspective scene analysis from tetrahedral microphone recordings", M Thesis, https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:104549, 2020.
- Elisabeth Frauscher, "Perceptually motivated ambient scene recording and parametric source embedding", M Thesis, https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:104551, 2020.
- Kaspar Müller, "Variable-perspective rendering of virtual acoustic environments based on distributed first-order room impulse responses", M Thesis, 2020.
- Manuel Pagavino, "Derivative-based regularization of inverse problems in acoustic holography", M Thesis, http://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:92568, 2019.
- Franck Zagala, "Optimum-phase primal signal and radiation-filter modelling of musical instruments", M Thesis, https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:79029, 2019.
- Stefan Riedel, "Compact spherical loudspeaker arrays: new filter and layout ideas", M Thesis, https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:91865, 2019.
- Michael Romanov, ",Comparison of amplitude panning approaches on ITU-R BS.2051 loudspeaker layouts with height", M Thesis 2017.
- Patrick Ziegler, "Joint single-channel speech dereverberation", M Thesis, [pdf], 2016.
- Christian Haar. "Analysis of Room Impulse Responses Measured with Compact Spherical Microphone and Loudspeaker Arrays", M. Thesis, ITA, RWTH-Aachen, 2016.
- Annika Neidhardt. "Untersuchung zur räumlichen Genauigkeit bei der binauralen Auralisation von Kugelarraydaten", [pdf], 2015.
- Philipp Alexaner Hack. "Multiple Source Localization with Distributed Tetrahedral Microphone Arrays", [pdf], 2015. (WKO Scholarship 2014)
- Ben-Daniel Keller. "Development of a Sound Projection Prototype", [pdf], 2015. (WKO Scholarship 2014, DEGA Student Grant 2015, DAGA Poster Award 2015)
- Juan Andrés Ureta Staackmann. "Simulation of Room Transfer Functions With Directivity Patterns On The Basis Of Room Modes", [pdf], 2014.
- Stefan Lösler. "MIMO-Rekursivfilter für Kugelarrays", [pdf], 2014. (DEGA Student Grant 2015, DAGA Poster Award 2015)
- Matthias Kronlachner. "Spatial Transformations for the Alteration of Ambisonic Recordings", [pdf], 2014. (Gold in AES Student Design Competition 2014)
- Ander Gaspar Perez Palacios. "Measurement and evaluation of room impulse response measurements performed with a flexible highly directive source", thesis in collaboration with ITA RWTH-Aachen, [pdf], 2014
- Clara Hollomey. "Real-Time Spectrogram Inversion – Retrieving Primal Signals", [pdf], 2014.
- Florian Wendt. "Untersuchung von Phantomschallquellen vertikaler Lautsprecheranordnungen", [pdf], 2013.
- Florian Pausch. "A Rigid Double Cone Microphone Array Prototype", [pdf], 2013. (Gold in AES Student Design Competition 2013)
- Philipp Schmidt. "Improvements in Localisation of Planar Acoustic Holography", [pdf], 2012. (DEGA student Prize 2014)
- Fabio Kaiser. "Modal Analysis of Rigid Microphone Arrays using Boundary Elements", [pdf], 2012.
- Markus Zaunschirm."Modal beamforming using planar circular microphone arrays", 2012.
- Johannes Zaar. "Phase Unwrapping for Spherical Interpolation of Head-Related Transfer Functions", [pdf], 2011.
- Nadine Kroher. "Acoustic feedbacks of loudspeaker-room-microphone environments with directivity", [pdf], 2011.
- Ralf Baumgartner. "Time Domain Fast-Multipole Translation for Ambisonics", [pdf], 2011.
- Thomas Kößler. "Kugelkappenförmige Mikrofonanordnung zur 3-dimensionalen Erfassung des Schallfeldes", [pdf], 2011.
- Sebastian Preis. "Richtungshörmodell mit Elevation und Korrektur der Mehrdeutigkeiten", [pdf], 2011.
- Wolfgang Nemitz. "Simulation and design of a measurement tube for microphones", [to pdf], 2010.
- Daniel Deboy. "Acoustic Centering and Rotational Tracking in Surrounding Spherical Microphone Arrays", [pdf], 2010. (DEGA Student Prize 2011)
- Michael Kerscher. "Compact Spherical Loudspeaker Array for Variable Sound-Radiation", [pdf], 2010.
- Peter Plessas. "Rigid sphere microphone arrays for spatial recording and holography", [to pdf], 2009.
- Fabian Hohl. "Kugelmikrofonarray zur Abstrahlungsvermessung von Musikinstrumenten", [to pdf], 2009.
- Matthias Frank. "Perzeptiver Vergleich von Schallfeldreproduktionsverfahren unterschiedlicher räumlicher Bandbreite", [to pdf], 2009.
- Hannes Pomberger. "Angular and Radial Directivity Control for Spherical Loudspeaker Arrays", [pdf], 2008.
- Daniel Hofer. "Implementierung eines 64 Kanal Mikrofonarrays", [to pdf], 2008.
"Toningenieur" projects:
- Jonas Schültke, "Filterbasierte Auralisation der Schalldämmung zwischen Räumen", https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:126970, 2022.
- Hannes Bradl, "Neues Multi-Touch-Instrument mit visuellem Feedback", https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:114831, 2021.
- Lukas Gölles, "Richtungsschärfung in ambisonischen Raumimpulsantworten erster Ordnung durch den 2+2 Richtungssignalschätzer", https://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:104572, 2020.
- Manuel Pagavino, "Alternative discretizations for the numerical evaluation of Rayleigh’s integral based on Fourier acoustics", http://phaidra.kug.ac.at/o:92568, 2019.
- Matthias Blochberger, "Signaldekorrelation zur Erzeugung mehrerer Diffusfeldsignale", 2019.
- Tim Raspel, "Vector-Base Amplitude Panning - VST Plugin Implementation", [pdf], 2017.
- Sebastian Grill, "VST-Implementierung Ambisonischer Nachhalleffekte", [pdf], 2017.
- Rainer Mittmannsgruber. "Adaptive MISO-Filter zur möglichst konstruktiven
Mehrkanalsignalüberlagerung", [pdf], 2016. - Patrick Ziegler. "Studie zur Anwendung von DirAC höherer Ordnung auf Eigenmikesignale", [pdf], 2016.
- Stefan Lösler. "Schallfeldspezifische Entzerrung bei Radialfiltern begrenzter Dynamik für das Eigenmike", [pdf], 2013.
- Sebastian Süss. "Auffinden von Ursignalen aus Aufnahmen umgebender kugelförmiger Mikrofonanordnungen", [to pdf], 2011.
- Johannes Zaar. "Vermessung von Außenorhübertragungsfunktionen mit reziproker Messmethode", [pdf], 2010.
- Stefan Richardt. "Implementierung eines Modells zur Messung und Darstellung binauraler Lokalisation (Implementation of a model for measuring and illustrating binaural sound localization)", [pdf], 2010.
- Christian Siller. "Beamforming mit einem Miniatur-Line-Arrays", [pdf], 2010.
- Sebastian Rieck. "Implementierung einer Ausfallsverschleierung mittels spektraler Signalmodellierung", [pdf], 2009.
- Georg Koller. "Verbesserung der virtuellen Akustik für Kopfhörer durch Berücksichtigung von Schulterdrehungen relativ zum Kopf", [pdf], 2008.
- Matthias Frank. "Hörversuch zur Lokalisation bei verschiedenen Ambisonics-Decodern", [pdf], 2008.
- Margherita Jammer. "Modeling sounds of Gamelan Instruments with Exponentially Decaying Sinusoids", [pdf], 2008.
- Fabian Hohl. "Sound and Radiation Analysis of Multichannel Gamelan Sound Samples", [pdf], 2008.
- Peter Reiner, Christian Jochum. "Measurement and Evaluation of Crosstalk within an Icosehedral Loudspeaker Array", [pdf], 2007.
- Christian Jochum, Peter Reiner. "Driving Filters for the Icosahedral Louspeaker Array", [pdf], 2007.
Bachelorarbeit (Betreuer: Alois Sontacchi)
- Robert Baumgartner, Elmar Messner. "Auswirkung der Abstrahlcharakteristik auf die Klangfarbe von Querflöten und Saxofonen", [to pdf], 2010.