Notes with literature references an written explanation for studying or hints to further reading
Notes with literature references an written explanation for studying or hints to further reading
Slides with large images for projection for the example lecture "Using HRTFs for Virtual Source Positioning", Franz Zotter, Helsinki 2018; updated 2020.
example real-time signal processing in PureData to process mono signals with Franz's or KU100 HRTFs
Reaper Session to compare some free binaural VST implementations
Matlab code for the analytic physical sphere diffraction, its simplistic model "sph_head_model.m", the file "plot_HRIRs_and_HRTFs.m" for plotting KU100 dummy head HRIRs and HRTFs including all data, Franz's HRIRs/HRTFs from ARI in Vienna (Thanks to Michael Mihocic and Piotr Majdak), for writing the input matrices for Pd, and the file "test_psypan.m" for analyzing what psypan does.