Kollektiv Instrumental - KI
ICE as KI for CM concerts
Mission Statement
We are a group of Instrument Makers and play distributed and networked in area and call ourselves: Kollektiv Instrumental and play the work series: “...” using individualized DIY Kollektiv intruments.
Kollektiv Instrumental stands for a Kollektiv with similiar Computermusic Intruments playing in spatial environments.
Innovative computerized musical instruments play together, distributed in performance spaces and spanning a shared sound space. Each Kollektiv Instrumental instrument is autonomous and networked with each other via WLAN. Kollektiv Instrumental thus forms a network of instruments which, together with a loudspeaker network, encompasses a sound space.
Concert "…”
A concert for Kollektiv Instrumental, computer musicians with computers, sensors and loudspeakers. The event series “...” lasts about ??? minutes and is played in "Freiräumen", performance spaces and others.
Setup: 1h including soundcheck
Freiräume, performance spaces, also soundproof rooms, ...
author: winfried ritsch, IEM, 2025