Entwurf und Implementierung von Signal verarbeitender Software und/oder Hardware in der Computermusik - Freie Themenwahl: Der Schwerpunkt in diesem Sommersemester sind "Plugins", "Apps" und "Webaudio-scripts" als Verarbeitungstools für SJs ( Space Jockeys), Ambisonics field recorder für "Ambient Art". "Embedded devices" sind genauso einsetzbar wie Computermusiksprachen, Programmiersprachen für Apps, Plugins und Webaudio.
Musikinformatik Seminar
This semesters focus: "before the breakthrough for SJs (Space-Jockeys) and Ambient Art" - After the development of tools for handling DIY and other Ambisonics Microphone arrays, a main target is the implementation of interfaces, algorithms and new concepts for spatial distribution as SJs. Also constructing DIY field recorder needs further development: From binaural tracked headphone monitoring in the field, recording with tracked microphones to autonomous stream boxes of environmental sound for "Ambient Art" - but also other themes can be chosen.