The base kit has been an A20 OLinuXino as a first platform for a realtime linux distribution dedicated to networked audio processing and sensors where audio modules can be attached. A further development now uses Beaglebone Green and also the compatible AM3359-SOM-EVB-IND from Olimex is targeted.
Open Hardware Multichannel Audio Interface for use with embedded devices, especially the used at the iemK series.
Open Hardware Multichannel Audio Out Interface for use with embedded devices, especially the used at the iemKit series, as an example
DIY microphone array kits development: The overall target is the making of affordable DIY "Ambisonics Field Recorder" with individual flair.
Embedded Linux System for wireless playing and controlling solar-powered "pure-speaker"s systems.
or previous named "ampHP" is an audiophile quality headphone amplifier driven by a on board dac over I2S/TDM or by an analog line signal, dedicated but not only to DIY fieldrecorders to be combined with headtracker and WIFI-devices. hamp can be powerd by a single power source over 3V or 5V for battery powered devices and is based on the Chip SSM3622 from Analog Devices.
is a small 16 channel audio input interface as cape/module for the I2S/TDM bus on embedded devices such as beaglebones, to interface and manage microphone arrays with on chip electret microphone preamplifiers. Therefore modern AD-ICs are used.
Audio Interface with 16 out channels as a small module to be used in embedded systems via serial audio interaces known as I2S/TDM, supoorting devices such as a beaglebone. A good signal quality is also a must for integrating in harsh environments, as using running with simple power supply from the embedded board.